Lab Tests Costs: Part II - How Much Do Urine Tests Cost?

Submitted by Fantestico on Wed, 06/29/2022 - 13:44.

how much do urine tests costIn addition to bloodwork and stool testing, other common lab work is based on urine samples. Urine is a popular way to detect hormones, drugs, metabolites, metals, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, and various proteins related to your kidney and liver functions. Unlike blood which is invasive or stool which may be inconvenient to deal with urine samples are easy to collect and analyze.

This post covers the main urine tests and how much do urine tests cost, but first, let's discuss when and how to collect a urine sample. The first urine of the day is best to collect because the level of bacteria and chemicals in your urine will be higher. Always wash your hands before collecting the urine to avoid contamination. In addition, collecting midstream is important. The aim is to obtain a sample of urine from the middle of your bladder. Urine does not normally have any bacteria in it unless you have an infection (normal urine should be sterile). If bacteria are found in the sample, it means that the urine is infected. A midstream specimen of urine (MSU) is best, as the first bit of urine that you pass may be contaminated with some bacteria from your skin.

Types of lab work based on urine samples

  • Uric Acids: This test measures Uric Acid levels in a 24-hour urine sample. Uric Acid is produced by the breakdown of cells as they grow old and deteriorate. Most uric acid is filtered by the kidneys and removed from the body in urine. If your uric acid level in your urine is too high it can build up crystals in your blood and joints causing a form of arthritis known as gout.
  • Urinalysis: There are two main methods of detection of your urine. Chemistry + microscopy analyzers that read directly from your urine sample and by dipping sticks (dipsticks) into your urine sample. Urinalysis helps screen and diagnose conditions, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, liver problems, problems in pregnancy, and diabetes.
  • UTI: A form of urinalysis that focuses only on urinary tract infections.
  • Urine Culture: culture is designed to quantitate the growth of significant bacteria. This test has a reference range of fewer than 1,000 bacteria per mL. More than 95% of UTIs are caused by a single type of bacterium. A urinalysis with reflex to culture means that if there are signs of urinary tract infections (UTI) e.g. bacterial infections the lab will subsequently take a sample of your urine and try to see bacterial growth in the culture.
  • Pregnancy test: hormones are our body's chemical messengers. The most well-known hormone is hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. hCG is secreted by the embryo and becomes detectable in urine (and blood) samples approximately 2 weeks following implantation or 4 to 5 weeks following the first day of your last period. An increased level of hCG in urine is used as a pregnancy test. 
  • Ovulation test: Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the release of the egg which makes it essential for ovulation. Detection of LH in urine is a common test to increase the likelihood to conceive.  Urinary concentrations of the major progesterone (P4) metabolite pregnanediol-3-glucuronide (PdG) can be also used to confirm ovulation.
  • Drug tests: urine lab testing for drugs is used for pre-employment, workspace drug-testing maintenance programs, sports organizations, college and professional athletes, legal or forensic purposes, and for public health organizations to monitor certain epidemics like the opioid crisis. Lab testing for drugs in urine can be done using lab analyzers (normally Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry) by collecting urine samples and sending them to labs for analysis that read directly from your urine sample and by dipping sticks (dipsticks) into your urine sample. 
  • Chlamydia & Gonorrhea: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are caused by bacterial infection, caused by sexually transmitted infections (STI) e.g., happen when an individual has unprotected sex with an infected partner. Early detection is key to preventing possible complications of these infections. A urine test and PCR analysis is the common method to detect it.
  • Toxicity: exposure to heavy metals or other chemical pollutants can cause several human health effects. Simple urine tests can detect Arsenic, Cadmium, Selenium, Mercury, Lithium, Bromide, Iodine, and other toxic materials. 

How much do urine tests cost?

Urine Test Sample Collectiom Method Type Price Range Comments
Uric Acids

In person


$18 to $39



In person & At-Home - Rapid

Chemistry, Microscopy, Strips

$13 to $29

At home is done with dipsticks (strips)


In person & At-Home - Rapid

Chemistry, Strips

$10 to $20

At home is done with dipsticks (strips)

Urine Culture

In person


$69 to $88

Recommended in UTI during pregnancy

Pregnancy test

In person & At Home - Rapid


$10 to $15


Ovulation test

In person + At-home - Rapid


$12 to $32


Drug tests

In person + At-home - Rapid

Immunoassay with Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry; Strips

$12 to $198

Price varies a lot depending on the method (dipsticks vs lab analyzer) and the number of tested drugs e.g. single drug, 5-panel, 10-panel, 14-panel, etc.

Chlamydia & Gonorrhea

In person + At-home

Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)

$49 to $99



In person + At-home

Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry (MS) - ICP-MS

$49 to $199

Mainly include heavy metal tests

Urine tests are probably the oldest, simplest, and cheapest way to detect many health conditions. Our urine indicates what happens in our kidneys and liver as well identify if we have diabetes, exposure to toxic pollutants, or used drugs. It is also the fastest and most private way to test for STI or if you are pregnant or ovulation. So, how much do urine tests cost? Most urine tests cost below $50 and the most expensive ones will not be more than $200. Urine tests are the most convenient, cost-effective, and affordable online lab tests.

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